Monday, November 19, 2012

Mayans and their heritage in Belize

The evidence of Mayan civilization dates back to around 2000 BC, it reached the highest development during Classic Period – from 250 to 900 AD (when Europe was in the Dark Ages…). At that time Mayans built impressive temples, created beautiful art from stone and jade, developed mathematical theories and mapped the course of planets and stars, created an accurate calendar as well as medical and spiritual healing systems utilizing rainforest plants. Besides all that they also devised the most sophisticated writing system in the Western Hemisphere. Mayans also established a 1500-mile-long trade route running the length of Mexico's Yucatan Peninsula, and continuing through Guatemala, Belize, Honduras and El Salvador. Their cultural achievements are astounding, especially so, without the aid of metals, horses or the wheel!

Much about the ancient Maya remains a mystery to us now. We don’t even know what led to the eventual collapse of this great civilization.

At the height of Mayan civilization the population of what is now Belize may have reached one million - four times what it is now. Although their population is significantly reduced, the Maya continue to live in Belize, still speaking Yucateca, Mopan and Ketchis dialects and practicing ancient crafts and healing techniques. Today, the Mayans account for some 11% of the country’s population, living for the most part in the southern Belize.

According to the Maya Long Count calendar the 2012 winter solstice is the completion of 5126-year-cycle. For the Mayans this is a time of reflection and great celebration as a new age unfolds, and it will be celebrated throughout Belize. You are welcome to join!

Regarded as the heartland of the Mayan civilization, Belize contains a number of significant Mayan archaeological sites, ancient cities, temples and sacred cave complexes. Black Orchid Resort offers guided tours to the most significant sites in Belize and also in Guatemala (Tikal). Don’t forget to include in your perfect Belize vacation at least one of these attractions:

•    Altun Ha – made up of two central plazas (built around 250 A.D.) surrounded by towering temples that enclose the palm strewn land was a very significant Mayan city in the Classical Period. Altun Ha is one of Belize’s most excavated and restored locations making it a favorite for visitors.
•    Lamanai – the largest Mayan ceremonial site in the region and one of the largest in Belize, the longest-occupied Mayan site in Belize.
•    Xunantunich – the most remarkable features are the stucco friezes that band two sides of ‘El Castillo’ pyramid. Six major plazas, more than 25 temples and palaces and a new museum are just some of the reasons why this is one of the most visited sites in Belize.
•    Caracol – the largest known Mayan center of Belize rivals Tikal and Chichen Itza as a major Mayan cultural destination. The main temple of Caracol is the tallest manmade structure in Belize.
•    Tikal – one of the most magnificent sites in the Mayan world is just over the border in Guatemala. Country's most famous cultural and natural preserve, a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
•    Tours to Mayan villages – visiting villages in Southern Belize, where you can immerse yourself in daily activities of Mayans.
•    Mayan ceremonial caves – most of the caves in Belize (here are plenty of them!) were used by Mayans for their sacred ceremonies. Now you can see there remnants of ancient pottery and even human skeletons.

If you have any questions about Mayan sites and tours, please call Black Orchid Resort +1 866 437 1301 (or +501-225-9158) or contact us by e-mail.

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