Monday, April 20, 2015

Meet the Baboons

Spend an enjoyable moment at the Baboon Community Sanctuary and discover the famous Howler Monkeys of Central America! 

The community aims at maintaining the natural environment of the black howler monkey (called "baboon" in the Creole dialect) while favoring the economic development of the nearby communities. You are probably wondering why they are called howler monkeys? Well, it is because in order to protect their territory, males howl and make a sound that we can hear at more than a mile!

The tour lasts approximately one hour. A guide takes you into the jungle in search of the howler monkeys. During your walk, he will present you various species of trees and plants that you will meet.  The guide will call the baboons by speaking to them in Creole and you will have to wait several minutes before their spectacular appearance. It is possible to approach them very closely but do not let them touch you because they can make abrupt movements.

It is a very interesting tour that I recommend, especially to families. Let me give you an advice; do not forget your mosquito protection because they love being in the jungle.

At the end of the visit do not hesitate to write a word in the visitors' book and enjoy the small exhibition of typical objects from Belize, combined with few explanations on the life of the monkeys and the community.

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